Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Week 13 VR Interactive Characters (Clean Pass)

This week I polished up Bowser Jr.'s rig adding hand and toe bones along with additional bones for the hair and ribbon. I created controllers for these features and moved on to create clean pass animations. I made a clean pass on the idle animation, the "clap" awareness animation, and the two interactive animations which are the carry and catch animations. These animations along with the source files for each of them with the default rig are uploaded to Perforce. For next week, I plan on polishing these animations more and make more adjustments to the skin weights.

Clean Skeleton:


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Week 12 VR Interactive Characters (Proxy Pass)

This week I developed a proxy skeleton and proxy animations for Bowser Jr. I created an idle animation, an awareness "clap" animation, and two interactable animations which are the carry and catch animations. Bowser Jr. will raise its arms out asking the player to carry it. The catch animation while interacting with Bob-omb in hand will put Bowser Jr. in a ready to catch pose, like to play catch with Bob-omb. The skeleton itself will be adjusted during the clean pass to add finger and toe bones along with bones for the hair and the ribbon part of the clothing and animations will be polished to compensate that.

Proxy Skeleton:


Thursday, November 10, 2022

Week 11 VR Hands And Props (Final Pass)

 This week I made 7 different facial expressions using blend shapes for Bob-omb and threw them into a single prop animation clip to be imported into Unreal Engine 4. There was a extra pinky joint chain in the left hand skeleton. I deleted that extra chain and re-imported that hand. The team decided that the animation clips used for the clean pass is good to use for the final pass. Additionally, I assisted Lisa with finding references for morph target implementation and I was tasked with creating a material and a material instance for the walls in the VR scene.


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Week 10 VR Hands And Props (Clean Pass)

This week I rigged the first pass for Bob-omb along with making a walk cycle and a grab animation using Bowser's hands. Blend shapes for the eyes were developed to give expressions to the Bob-omb. These will be finalized in the final pass. I also made a clean pass on the fist, thumb down, and point animations. I then submitted them to Perforce along with their Maya source files.

Final Delivery

 For the final delivery, I connected Zinta's facial blend shapes to a set of controllers to control the expressions, the eyelids, eyebro...